At Close House – Colt Course. Sept 2017. A prestigious European Tour Championship hosted by Lee Westwood.
Broadcast worldwide from Royal Wellington Golf Club, NZ. October 2017. WOW!
The legacy continues.
Co-hosted at the award-winning Millbrook Resort near Queenstown, NZ. 2014 – 2023.
1) Which one of the following drawings is not typically found in a set of golf course construction documents?
A) Feasibility Plan
B) Clearing & Limit of Work Plan
C) Sediment & Erosion Control Plan
D) Grading & Drainage Plan
E) Construction Details
2) During what era did the Green Section division of the United States Golf Association (USGA) first publish specifications for a method of constructing putting greens?
A) Spreading & Expansion (1840-1898)
B) Heatherland Era in Britain (1899-1914)
C) Golden Age (1920-1929)
D) Depression & War Era (1930-1953)
E) Robert Trent Jones Era (1954-1980)
3) When referring to golf hole design, which one of these is not a type of bunker?
A) Trouble
B) Collection
C) Saving
D) Direction (or target)
E) Carry
4) Which one of the following considerations are not used to determine irrigation pipe sizes, pumpstation capacity and discharge pressure?
A) Evapotranspiration rate for the region
B) Pressure loss calculation comparing high and low points of the system to pumpstation
C) Friction loss estimation through fittings
D) Soil texture
E) Distance from pumpstation to points farthest away on the system
5) Which turfgrass is the most salt tolerant?
A) Bentgrass
B) Seashore Paspalum
C) Bermudagrass
D) Fine Fescue
E) Zoysia
6) What is the typical warrantee period that a Contractor must guarantee the irrigation system against defects, materials or workmanship?
A) 1 month from substantial completion
B) 1 month from final acceptance by the Owner
C) 1 year from the start of installation by the Contractor
D) 1 year from the date of acceptance by the Owner
E) 1 year from the date the Contractor leaves the site.
7) In US Dollars, what is the approximate cost to maintain one acre of turfgrass annually?
A) $360
B) $1660
C) $1260
D) $960
E) $660
8) To limit compaction and provide sufficient hole placements, what is a recommended average area for a green
A) 400 m2
B) 500 m2
C) 600 m2
D) 700 m2
E) 800 m2
9) The rootzone sand mixture for a green is measured, purchased and delivered based upon what unit of measure? (based on Countries using Imperial units)
A) Cubic yards
B) Square feet
C) Square yards
D) Tons
E) Pounds per ton
10) What should the minimum surface slope be of a putting surface to ensure proper drainage?
A) 0.1%
B) 0.5%
C) 1.0%
D) 2%
E) 3%
Answers; 1=A, 2=E, 3=A, 4=D, 5=B, 6=D, 7=B, 8=C, 9=D, 10=C.
Excellence in Compliance Award
Royal Wellington Golf Club
Scott awarded by GEO as a Sustainable Golf Champion
St Andrews
The Evolution of the Old Course
by Scott Macpherson
"Scott is a very good course designer and it's interesting to go around a course and see what he sees. I have my own ideas about courses and the way they should look, but listening to somebody like Scott, who has a lot of experience, makes you appreciate how much more there is to take into account when you are designing one."
Lee Westwood, CH Magazine, 2014.